I'm like a STRESS ah!!! :(
Yay, Samantha you're finally out! I miss you like hell, will go and visit you soon alright. :) I'm like so stress now. Really very very stress siah! :( I may neglect a lot of people this few months or can say this whole year as this year is an important year for me. I'm sorry alright, i don't wish to neglect anyone of you. I will try my best not to alright! Didn't manage to take some new pictures as school has started, rarely can go anywhere. :( So sucky yeah! Dislike it so much! Hmph. Niama. I've never been NOT TIRED since school started. Chinese New year come, meaning money will also come! YAY. Hehe, but sad to say jianfei in progress cannot eat so much oh~ Won't be blogging so often le alright. Find me on facebook or twitter instead. :) Bye cybies!